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Medical Waste Treatment

Medical Waste Treatment Stinks.

Industry-wide reliance on pollutive, dangerous and outdated technologies has made medical waste treatment a burden on hospitals, haulers, and the environment. What if there was a simple, safe and sustainable medical waste sterilization system that could eliminate these issues and make in-house waste treatment better for everyone?

At Clean Waste Systems, we didn’t just imagine it — we achieved it. 

Clean Waste Systems has the Answer.

ozone icon


Our ozone medical waste treatment systems are easy to use, easy to maintain, and reduce sorting, storage and logistics, making waste processing simple for your organization and stress-free for operators.


The clean, controlled and continuous process of ozone sterilization creates a safer work environment for operators, plus a reduced risk of HIPAA violations and other liability issues risks.


Compared to heat treatment, the zero-emissions Humidizone™ processing system decreases cubic waste volume by 80% and uses significantly less energy and water.

How Does Your Medical Waste System Stack Up?

Clean Waste Systems has pioneered a simpler, safer, more sustainable approach to medical waste treatment. Compared to traditional processes, our ozone technology offers major reductions in odor, energy use, long term costs and environmental impact — all while significantly improving safety and ease of operation.

Clean Waste Systems Incineration Autoclave
Energy Used Very Low High Medium
Ease of Operation High Low Low
Safety High Low Low
Cost of Operation Low High High
Environmental Impact Low High High
Odor No Yes Yes
Process Continuous Batch/Continuous Batch/Continuous
Effluent None Yes Yes

Explore our Medical Waste Systems

Enter the Future of Medical Waste Treatment

Contact the Clean Waste Systems team to learn more about taking your medical waste treatment in-house simply, safely and sustainably through our groundbreaking ozone technology. 

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